Thursday, September 3, 2009

Update and Life

For those that read this or follow at least I will try to write more now that I am doing more stuff.  I guess I have been longing to write because I have been learning many things and enjoying the things that I have learned. 

I hope you enjoy hearing/reading an update on my life because that is what I am going to write.  Life is GREAT.  I have moved into an apartment with a friend of mine and am enjoying most of it.  I like the independent feeling; however, I almost wish living without responsibilities at home.  My apartment is huge and that is almost strange for me having friends over in an apartment that most families could not afford, but I know that I will grow through this experience.  A few things that I miss about living in dorms is that I don't have the same community that I did.  I liked being able to go to a friends room when I was bored or even doing homework with people in my classes and now my roommate and I aren't in any of the same classes so its not that we are doing the same homework.  It was also great to have someone to talk to about problems, that confidant, not that I can't do that with my roommate but I had a good friend at mcc who I really was able to talk to about things and I almost feel that I lost that moving back to Wichita.  However, I know that God wanted me in wichita this semester and I know that God will bless me if I stay in the word.   He has already allowed me to grow stronger with my parents which I know I will need in the future. 

I decided to move back to WSU last semester in May.  It was an easy decision at the time, but it gets harder and harder.  It was in 1 week that I completely just had a bad experience and God said that I can't stay there, but as I look back I didn't hate the entire semester in fact I miss all my good friends and all the people that made MCC fun and exciting.  I also miss having a the ability to mentor new freshmen not as an RA but as a sophomore, someone else who lives in the dorms and can kind of explain what the school is like.  I don't know that I will get to have that experience at the next school that I go to, but I will try. 

WSU is fun I don't really have much to complain about other than the classes that I am taking are kind of kush classes that I don't need for my major(s) (Physc. - Health, and Youth Ministry).  And I don't know that I really enjoy them I don't really like being a student at WSU, it just doesn't have any appeal to me, but I know that it is cheaper, and I am only there for one semester (hopefully).

God has decided to be difficult with next semester, in that I am back to square two in deciding schools.  I had earlier decided to go to Northwestern College in MN, which I just love every time I look at it and think about it; however, visiting was different I think maybe it was just the travel.  In previous semesters my mom has asked me to think about John Brown University.  I don't really like that option and I had discarded it a long time ago; however, this past May my cousin got married to a JBU graduate and through that I have been asked to take a campus visit and I will; however, I really want to go to NWC.  JBU  is a good school and has the degree programs that I want and it is near family.  Hearing about it I see that I should at least check it out.  I am leaning very much towards NWC but if I get orders otherwise I will have to apply at least.  
In Wichita, I am working at Wichita Public Schools as an AVID tutor (There is an AVID program in schools close to NWC), and I am the Children's Minister at Westside United Methodist Church.  These both are answers to prayer because they provide me with enough financial support to pay for my life; at 18 years old I can officially afford my life w/o Health Insurance and my Cell Phone bill.  That was such a huge answer to prayer that I can't even believe God would love me so much.  But God is GREAT.  Both of these jobs at least required a year long commitment; however, I entered into both with my employers knowing that I will only be there six months and they still hired me which was completely God!!!

I don't know where God will lead me but where ever it may be I pray that God will continue to use me, and I pray for where I am at now that God will use me in ways much larger than myself.   Hope to update more.  I will try and post more what God is teaching me as opposed to my life so far until I run far away and people could use some constant updates.
