Monday, March 15, 2010

The Bridge: Monday

We arrived on friday night at The Bridge around 9 o'clock, and there we got to hang out with kids as it was open hours at The Bridge, it was really great getting to share the love of Christ with some of the kids that do not get to see it all that often.  Relationships were built that night not only with our team but also with the Bridge staff and volunteers so that the Gospel could be shared and discipleship can begin to take place. We ended that night with cleaning up after open hours and then going to bed after a long car ride.

The next was a good day, we worked for a little bit preparing the Bridge for the students cleaning tables in the cafe, and making sure everything looked good.  After we finished cleaning we got to hang out with some kids.  I got to play four square with a few kids and there I had the opportunity to talk to a few kids about sportsmanship and why we should act kindly to our "enemies."  It was a great opportunity for me to share some of the things that I had leaned in my own life.  After that we were exhausted so we went to bed.

On Sunday morning the team got up early to go to a local church where our team leader had been to before when he was working at a camp in Missouri, and it also turns out my Uncle Auddie and Aunt Melodie attend there as well, so it was great to see them and say hi.  After church we were able to take a break and go get some food in Springfield at Lamberts Cafe, Home of Throwed Rolls, it was an experience.  After Lunch we got back to the Bridge to help out with a skate competition.  Because this was not a Christian event we had the opportunity to share our testimonies with some of the people that we interacted with.  I got the opportunity to share my story with a kid who attends Southern Missouri State and I know that in the least a seed was planted.

Today we have been cleaning a spackling all over the Bridge in order to prepare for a community even that is happening the 27th of March.  Our work that we do this week will help those that are soming to prepare the Bridge for a fresh coat of painting and many other things that honestly we are not sure about, but we are glad to be here doing it!

Thank you everyone for your support, with the prayers I know that we will have a huge impact on this place throughout the week.


Thursday, March 4, 2010


Praise the Lord!  As of today all of my support has come in for my trip to The Bridge!
A week from tomorrow I will be leaving for Joplin, MO in order to help fulfill the Great Comission!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hey All!

It is a nice day in Manhattan, the sun is out and I have been enjoying it!  Life has been good over the past few days, I have been feeling less sick, and a lot less tired.  Next week I have most of my midterm exams and I am getting a little nervous, I have been busy doing homework and studying.

I have been told that support has been flowing in over the past couple of days but I am not positive how much money I have raised so far.  However, I do know that many people have committed to prayer and I thank everyone for your prayer support.

For those that have been praying for, thank you! I am doing well, and I can say that God is at work in my life, I am not positive how yet, but something is happening and I can't wait to share the fruits of your labor in my life, Thanks again!

Everyone have a great evening and if you are in a place where the weather is nice go outside and enjoy it!