Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"i'm glad god is gettin to you"

"i'm glad god is gettin to you"
I don't think these are the words I want to hear. In High School was I so bad that people didn't see evidence of God "gettin" to me? I know that is true, I didn't act accordingly in high school and it is a lot easier for me to act in such a way in a christian college, but I feel I need to reflect on this. Is this the way people will remember me after college, are these the words that colleagues will say after I've moved on to a different career? To all the high schoolers that read this blog I can only say is this the way in which you act, or do your actions represent God's will?
2 Chorinthians 5:13-15
Many use this verse to say dress up wierd or be wierd by growing out hair or something like that, but instead it is talking about your actions, do you act in a way that the world sees you as odd or abnormal, do you beliefs reflect that of the Bible or are you settling with a worldview based on past experiences? Because I can tell you a lot of things in the nation are not according to the word of God (I say this without even thinking about abortion and homosexuality), and we settle saying that people need to be happy and content with their lives, but is that the word that Jesus taught his apostles?
I don't like those words at all.


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